explore our Purpose built, world class veterinary hospital
We are committed to providing the highest standards of care while your pets are with us and are fortunate that our Hospital has been purpose built with that aim in mind. Large windows flood our work areas with natural light and the use of veterinary appropriate finishes mean that you don’t have to worry about your pet battling on slippery floors or being confined to very small spaces.
Having the kennels adjacent to, but not in our main work areas, ensures that noise and disruption is kept to a minimum. This reduces stress for our patients and allows our staff to concentrate on the task at hand.

Othopaedic Theatre
Every effort has been made to ensure that your pet receives the best possible care during their surgery at St Helier Veterinary Hospital.
To keep your pet stable during surgery our operating table has a circulating water blanket to maintain your pet’s body temperature during surgery, whilst a Mindray anaesthetic monitor allows accurate assessment of our patients during surgery.
Parameters measured include, oxygen, carbon dioxide, blood pressure, ECG and rectal temperature.

General Practice Theatre
Our General Practice theatre is used for more routine surgeries like castrations and spays, soft tissue and exploratory surgeries.
It too is equipped with full anesthetic machine and a Mindray anesthetic monitor. Sterility is a significant focus area in our practice and it is strictly maintained in both of our operating theatres.

Anaesthesia Induction Room
Our theatre wing has a separate induction room where patients are anaesthetised and prepared before their surgery. It is located next to our two surgical theatres.
We will often use this room when using the C-Arm which allows for real time intra-operative X-rays. This ensures that patients do not have to be moved to our X-ray room during surgery and ensures that the sterility of our theatres is maintained.

Advanced Diagnostics Suite
Our X-ray room is conveniently situated at the intersection of our theatre wing and prep room and boasts a high quality digital X-ray machine. The ability to zoom in on specific areas and adjust the contrast of various images allows for more accurate diagnoses.
Another benefit of having digital X-rays is that our files our routinely backed up so there is no chance of X-rays being lost or damaged. We can also send copies to our referring vets to provide them with feedback on cases they may have referred to us for surgery or diagnostics.

Dog and Cat Wards
We are sensitive to the specific needs of our patients and we provide separate hospital ward areas for our cat and dog patients.
Our purpose built wards have been designed with your pet’s comfort as a priority. To keep our patients comfortable we have installed under floor heating in our kennel units and heating in our cat ward as well as air-conditioning through out the building.
Our kennel and cattery units have made to measure mattresses to ensure comfort during your pets recovery at St Helier.

Hospital 'Prep' Room
Large windows flood our central work area with natural light and the use of veterinary appropriate finishes mean that your pet does not battle on slippery floors or being confined to very small spaces.
Having the kennels adjacent to, but not in our main work areas, ensures that noise and disruption is kept to a minimum. This reduces stress for our patients and allows our staff to concentrate on the task at hand.

In House laboratory
Our in-house laboratory includes modern, state of the art blood machines which allow us to perform complete blood counts, blood chemistry's and electrolyte analysis within a few minutes.
In addition to this, our lab is equipped with a a high quality Nikon medical microscope so that we can perform blood films, faecal floats and urinalysis on site.

Central Sterilising Department
Our Central Sterilising Department is adjacent to our theatres and is where all of our theatre equipment and drapes are sterilised and stored.
We have a separate washing machine and tumble dryer in this room to ensure that the items used in theatre are not contaminated by the towels and blankets that are used in the hospital and kennels.
On the left of the picture is our autoclave which sterilises at a very high temperature and pressure.

Three Consulting Rooms
St Helier boasts three spacious consulting rooms that cater for all our veterinary needs.
Our aim is to create a fear free experience for our patients and our consulting rooms provide a bright airy environment where pets can be examined by our vets.
The rooms all have tables that are covered with a non slip padded mattress so if your pet needs to be examined up on a table they are comfortable and do not slip and get stressed.

Retail Shop
Our shop has a wide range of veterinary diets and treats and has numerous pet toys and accessories for your pets.
Our receptionists are trained and able to advise you about our extensive range of veterinary diets and can provide you with various options that are appropriate for your pets, including a cost per day comparison on foods.
Should you be looking for any specific toys or accessories we are happy to assist by looking through our numerous catalogues and ordering the items that you require. We are often able to order items which can be available for collection within 24 hours.

St Helier Hospital Gardens
St Helier vets has been purpose built with our patients best interests at the core of the design.
Natural flow from wards to prep rooms and to the state of the art surgical theatres is complimented by carefully planned recovery areas and outdoor gardens.
To ensure that your pet experiences only the highest level of care our aim is to provide a fear and stress free environment in which they can recover.