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Storm's Pioneering Surgery

Writer's picture: Dr Kath Sparks BVScDr Kath Sparks BVSc

PLIF (posterior lumbar interbody fusion) with instrumentation performed by Specialist Veterinarian Dr Bruce Meyers on a dog for the first time in South Africa.

Storm, a young female Belgian Shepherd, has been a regular patient of Dr Meyer's, our specialist Surgeon since 2017 following a terrible accident where her patella ligament was disrupted/lacerated. Despite two other vets best efforts to repair the injury, the knee became terribly infected and was causing her severe pain. She was referred to Dr Meyers as he is the only Surgical Specialist vet permanently based in KwaZulu Natal.

After examining Storm's leg Dr Meyers provided two options - either amputate the leg or perform a stifle arthrodesis (fusion) with a plate and screws as the patella ligament was unsalvageable. Storm's owner decided that amputation was not an option, he felt she she was still very young and the only other way to offer her a pain free future was to fuse her knee.

Storm had the surgery and recovered very well. With the help of physiotherapists she learnt how to use the limb again, even though she was unable to flex (bend) her knee.

As time passed the abnormal gait (use of her limb) had started causing instability of her skeletal system, notably her pelvis and lower spine. The change in the forces across her pelvis caused it to offset and she developed lumbo-sacral disease (lower spine instability). Storm was sent for an MRI scan and lumbo-sacral stenosis was confirmed. This was due to mild subluxation of the lumbo-sacral joint.

Storm underwent lumbo-sacral decompression surgery with Dr Meyers in June 2019. He used Bilateral Facet Screws to stabilise the joint and reduce the compression on her vital nerves that passed through this area.

Storm recovered very well after her surgery and had regular physiotherapy sessions . However very shortly after her surgery Storm was rushed back in to see Dr Meyers due to sudden discomfort with her other (left) hind leg. Dr Meyers diagnosed a ruptured cruciate ligament in her left knee and she was taken into theatre for a TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement) to stabilise her stifle joint.

After her left leg TTA surgery Storm was very comfortable and coped very well with her mobility. Sadly during lockdown 2020, Storms physiotherapist noticed signs that Storm was beginning to become uncomfortable and reluctant to take too much weight on her hind right leg. By September this year she was in severe pain when walking and she began to sit down all the time rather than move about.

Dr Meyers examined her and he had concerns about the spine and radiographs showed a possible relapse of her lumbo-sacral disease. This time she was sent for MRI and CT scans so that Dr Meyers could get as much information as possible about her spine and pelvis. The report from Vet Imaging Specialists confirmed that there was yet again instability and collapse of the lumbo-sacral joint with small non-displaced fissures associated with both of the facet screws. This is when Dr Meyers decided to use a pioneering approach to repair Storm's spine.

Dr Meyers had a 3D model printed from the CT scan of Storms lumbo-sacral spine. From this model he was able to measure and prepare for further surgery where he would implant specialised custom made titanium pedicle screws and rods imported from the USA. These custom made implants would then fully fuse the lumbo-sacral joint.

Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion or PLIF surgery using titanium pedicle screws /rods is commonplace in humans with lower lumbar spinal degeneration. The surgery is designed to stop excessive motion at specific segments of the spine and alleviate further degeneration, pain and neurological deterioration.

Image courtesy of Veritas health

Storm has shown vast improvement post operatively and according to her owner is back to her happy pain- free self.

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