Total Ear Canal Ablation and Bulla Osteotomy (TECABO)
The term TECABO is an abbreviation for Total Ear Canal Ablation and Bulla Osteotomy. This is a complicated surgery that involves removing the entire ear canal and tympanic bulla (middle ear), leaving only the outer ear flap (pinna) in place. This type or surgery is best performed by an experienced and highly trained specialist Surgeon, like Dr Meyers.

A TECABO is recommended in cases of long term, severe, end stage ear infections, where medical treatment is no longer helping the pet. In many cases, longterm infection and inflammation have led to so much scarring of the ear canal that the canal has narrowed making it impossible to clean the ear. A TECABO allows the infected, abnormal ear tissue to be removed. By doing this pain and inflammation is reduced and the pets quality of life is improved . A TECABO may also be recommended in dogs or cats that have tumours within the ear canal. If the mass is fully confined to the ear canal, a TECABO will allow removal of the entire mass.

There are risks associated with TECABO surgery and these are primarily associated with the veins and nerves that run in the vicinity of the ear canal. This is why it is essential this type of surgery is performed by a trained and experienced specialist surgeon.
Many pet owners expect their dog’s hearing to be reduced after surgery, due to the removal of the ear drum. This is definitely a possibility, but is not always the case. In many cases, the ear canal is so diseased by the time a surgery such as TECABO is being considered that owners notice little change in their dog’s ability to hear after surgery.
Overall, the prognosis for pets receiving a TECABO is very good.